Jan 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Erm if chicks approach you ur not a 6 i think... also like premarital sex is bad

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It is bad and I should be skinned alive for participating in it

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Okay, but why did you do it then? I can understand not being able to control yourself and having a fap or something, but is it really that hard to not have sex with multiple women? Like, to just have the chance requires some effort in actively trying to get a woman to have sex with you.

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In my case not really, aside from being in bed with the girl that took my virginity. She initiated it and I was too busy hitting the Giggity to stop her bc as I said in the post she was really hot.

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Fuuuuckkkk women are so foul...

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Yeah and then she threw everything I ever confided in her back in my face after a few years. Like even the way she taught me how to have sex

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Also I forgot she knew I was a Christian and trying to remain celibate so this was a several month process of essentially wearing me down until I caved and did something with my boner instead of just taking a cold shower or pushing her off me etc

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Jan 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I'm going to assume your stacy whore gf broke up with you for being a right wing chudcel and you wrote this in response. I think that all women are whores who want nothing but cock and want to stop you from going on adventure, many such cases!

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Left her because we couldn’t reconcile differences but she’s actually really cool. Was on board with the lifestyle I wanted

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Jan 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

"erm she's so motherfaucing wholesome und trad" bro was booted from the longhouse and STILL simps 😭💀

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Successfully forces woman to chameleon to my political tastes due to high value, is mocked anyway. Like a boss!

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On the contrary, *they* want to be taken on adventures. Is that not the primary point of the article?

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Jan 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

“the most accommodating nice guy in the Frathouse”. I feel like I wanted to rip my own skin off after reading this

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Freshman year I asked this girl if “those guy were bothering you” and she told me they were and then went home with one anyway

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Jan 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I think it's important for men to share how bad they were in the past.

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Jan 15Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I see... Are you skinny? That could explain why you aren't married

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Jan 22Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Hope you have a relationship akin to Jackson and Elinor someday

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Kind words Soldaten!

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Jan 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Already graduated from college and still a truecel. It’s probably over. I can’t actually fathom how to compete on dating apps for a mid who will probably get the ick on the first date. Many such cases!!!

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Should I reupload my iFunny post about how to pull chicks

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Jan 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Make it into a full fledged Substack

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Jan 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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Feb 3Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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Jan 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Real as hell. Your college gf reminds me of my ex of six years, who would go on to cheat on me

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Feb 1Liked by Layne A. Jackson

This one makes me think about marketing myself to compete in dating, I'm in roughly the same place as you lookswise, but if I can play a character, one that's recognizable, iconic, has patterns that already play into parts of who I am, I could strike a niche that might work for me...

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I think being 75% yourself and 25% downloaded personality is a recipe for success!

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Feb 2Liked by Layne A. Jackson

It blows chunks to think about this, I should do it more.

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What? Dating? I am unfamiliar. You mean, like, dating an artifact? What does that have to do with women. Is breakups when you accidentally break an artifact? Why are you talking about archaeology? Yeah I’m an incel freak. It means involuntary celibate. It’s agonizing and lonely.

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If you’re unironically an InCel you possess the IQ to get out of it if you so desire. At least you’re self aware and work out etc

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I am an Incel but I am not a Truecel. Yesterday I was at a gathering playing super smash bros and some little white guy probably 5'5 walked in with a harem of yellow beasts. I was shocked. I wondered what I was doing wrong.

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Doing that is so gross. Anyone can lower their standards enough to find another desperate person

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A lot of people seem to misunderstand truecel as volcel. Truecel is someone with such low SMV that they literally could never get a girlfriend. An Incel still has the chance of ascending, a truecel doesn't

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I can’t even read this. My incel rage is going to boil over and my iPad is gonna melt in my hands. Something something watching a man drown when you’re in the desert..

But yeah I’ve watched women in action on dating apps. They basically laugh at and make fun of 99% of the men, they don’t just ignore them. Women naturally hate and fear men because men are their greatest danger in the wild. This sense is only suppressed when it comes to very conventionally attractive men. This is why Indo-European word for marriage is etymologically related to their word for breaking in a horse. In traditional society women were always under the control of men so they learned to accept it as normal and accept men. Today women have the chance to not be under male control and often aren’t even as children, so men just appear generally worse to be with. It is like in the sopranos when they say it’s best to be both feared AND loved.

Also, if you are 6’1 and an athlete you’re not a 6. At least a 7. Unless you are actually hideous, which I doubt

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May 24Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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May 24Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Refreshingly vulnerable, good article.

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