The Vikangz and Rejection of Nietzschean Aristocracy
Why I respect but reject Nietzsche's definition of Aristocracy
Picture a fictional race of people for me:
They’re a proud warrior people, with a strong martial tradition dating back thousands of years. They’ve mastered the art of skirmishing, raiding, and chevauchee- so much so that they’ve even innovated several new tactics for hit-and-run on enemy soft targets a la Mongolian horse archers. They’re experts at immolating the cities of the evil, decadent Empire that once ruled them, wreaking havoc and taking at will anything they desire. Not only do they take at will from this crumbling civilization, they now occupy high levels of its government- which they use to protect their tribe and folk. They use their roles as mercenaries, senior military officers, heads of political institutions/government to embezzle, steal, lie, and otherwise engorge themselves on the corpse of this civilization that has come to both fear and admire them.
They have many children by many different women of varying social status, and increasingly raise them in their unique, pre-Christian folk religions. In fact, their scholars now outwardly reject Christianity as a symbol of the previous weak, metrosexual Empire. Along with Christianity, they despise the weakness and slavish longing for peace that it brings. In fact, they instill militant hatred of most other outgroups, and believe in their own ethnic destiny and determination forged by their willingness to fight for it. Their place as Nietzschean aristocrats has allowed them plenty of leisure time to produce high culture, complete with their own histories, myths, icons and heroes, wars, songs, dances, paintings and statues, and poetry. Even in war, they differentiate themselves with unique pre-combat rituals, hair and beard styles (part of a distinct martial tradition), and other unique rites meant to honor this most primary sacrament.
They have a proud tradition of anti-intellectualism, preferring to hone the body and warrior instinct over intellect. Due to their manly incessant lust for warfare, they actively reject contributing in the realms of philosophy, technology, or even low-culture. Instead, they see these activities as bourgeoise and effeminate, the ramblings and musings of the old stagnant, decadent Empire that they are replacing. Instead, they prefer oral tradition to written, communal memory to individual, the success of their tribe over any other. They engage in perpetual low-grade warfare with anyone, including their neighbors that have almost complete cultural and ethnic overlap with themselves. In battle, they are famous for imbibing powerful potions that grant them berserker-like manic rage, summoning heroic courage to perform unfathomable acts of bravery. They charge enemy lines directly, they take almost no prisoners, there’s even an unwritten pact of no surrender among their elite skirmishers. After they win engagements, their warriors are rewarded with women, jewelry, weaponry, and other luxuries of their conquered peoples. Their survivors return to victorious celebrations filled with music, sex, remembrance of ancestors and newly dead, and drink- long into the night. Such is their birthright and destiny, learned from infancy and reinforced by their clan and tribe dynamic, where family is everything and the family patriarch is responsible for providing for his kin. He is also obliged to satisfy their more primal impulses:
Their most prized women sport their wealth atop their slender, luscious bodies, bedazzled with rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more. They reward their strongest men with unlimited carnal indulgences, every fantasy is in play for the strongest, most capable warriors. And so, their men train from infancy for war, often introduced into feuds between families and regions originating decades or even centuries ago. It matters little why they fight. Aggression, instinct, and manic obsession with refining oneself in the fires of combat fuel their growth, and earn the adoration of their women (and some women from other races). Their top men spend much of their days engaged in the gymnasium, cultivating strong bodies and souls for war. Rejecting menial labor as unbecoming of warriors, they delegate it to the Empire’s predominant race- preferring to live instead off subsidy brought to them as vain tribute. Instead, they develop strong lungs and capable limbs by dominating several ball sports, typically thrust into celebrity status for their prowess in entertaining the masses. They’re surrounded by the poetry and music of their people, which sing the praises of a life of war and conquest. They spend their lives, however short, in a world they have created by asserting their will over those unfit to rule.
By now, probably about 40% of you guys know where I’m going with this. Maybe your thumbs are furiously slapping against your phone screens in the comments. The other ~60% of my 30 readers have popped a chub, salivating over this mental image.
You should, as this is actually not a fictional race. They’re entirely real.
So what’s the catch?
I’m not talking about Homeric Greece, or post-Roman North Sea Europe, or even the Steppe Nomads of the pre-Bronze age.
I’m talking about American blacks.
I know, I know, there’s not 100% overlap between them and Vikings or whatever. For example, a lot of blacks are actually in the bottom rungs of society and perform service labor, etc. There’s tons of obesity and their lack of innovation comes from generally lower IQs. I’m sure you can sharp-shoot 100 more examples of their differences if you tried. However, there’s much, much more overlap between them and pre-Christian Europe than most of iFunny wants to let on. All it takes is a little creative writing and “artistic liberty” to paint them in a favorable light. I’m sure you don’t want me to do that, but my point is that I don’t want to do this with “Nietzschean Aristocracy” either. Its wrong when Blacks do it, its wrong when anyone else does it.
There’s a reason I called the Vikings (Whom I specifically dislike) “Sea Nxggers” despite the booing from iPhilosophy, because there is way too much overlap to ignore. Go back and comb through the above, and genuinely ask yourself if it can apply to both the Vikings (or BAP Greek Pirate Lords) and Blacks. If you conclude there isn’t a correlation of at least like 50%, you aren’t being honest.
What is Nietzschean Aristocratic Morality?
Nietzschean Aristocracy (Which I’m calling NA from here on) has a few key tenets:
Parasitic relationship between the High and Low classes: low classes labor as slaves for the Aristocratic class.
Outside ethnic invasion replacing indigenous peoples (Think British in India)
Concern with family lineage and stock: Selective breeding.
Physical Virtue opposed to Moral and Intellectual Virtue
From Nietzsche:
“It is decisive for the lot of a people and of humanity that culture should begin in the right place--not in the "soul" (as was the fateful superstition of the priests and half-priests): the right place is the body, the gesture, the diet, physiology; the rest follows from that.”
Nietszche’s attempt to split hairs here falls flat in multiple regards. For one, the mind is what guides and wills the body to produce athletic excellence. For another, it invariably special pleads on behalf of whites. Despite meeting all the above criteria, I’m sure few are willing to accept that American blacks are NAs. Lets go down the list:
Parasitic relationship between the High and Low classes: low classes labor as slaves for the Aristocratic class.
Sound like welfare to anyone else? Blacks are increasingly doing less and less in today’s world. They have extremely high turnover rates at whatever jobs they sucker into hiring them. In the few weeks they bother showing up, they sit on their phones and otherwise dodge doing actual work. In the world of NA, this is what a ruling class is supposed to be doing. Their time is better spent making SoundCloud mixtapes: this is their unique minstrel tradition, similar to skaldic poetry.
Since flipping burgers is a task beneath them, they’d rather produce mixtapes or start a “side hustle”. It’s a point of pride for most blacks to not answer to a white manager or business owner. They expect to be granted status superior to whites they come in contact with on account of their skin color. As today’s “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”, dropping off your Amazon package is only a step on their path towards complete liberation from white industry. Also worth noting that the incalculably large wave of illegal immigration will neatly fill their low-skill labor shoes.
Outside ethnic invasion replacing indigenous peoples (Think British in India)
While this one was…erm… involuntary at first, it’s certainly not now. Tens of thousands of Subsaharans and Caribbean blacks cross into this country illegally yearly, to say nothing of legal migration. When they get here, they form ethnic enclaves and siphon wealth from the indigenous population- often times playing the role of “qualified worker” long enough to take the job from a more deserving native. Migrants that arrived from Haiti last month are now in line to receive reparations.
Now, they have given themselves permission to require that a certain percentage of all the important roles in this country are held by them: industry, technology, politics, military leadership, an increasing number of key positions are held by unqualified invaders as a show of force.
Concern with family lineage and stock: Selective breeding.
Blacks are increasingly opposed to race mixing, starting propaganda for the elusive “black queens” to find black kings. When they do mix, they see it as ethnic imperialism, forever tainting a bloodline that was previously free of African admixture.
Physical Virtue opposed to Moral and Intellectual Virtue
Blerd phenotype aside, Blacks will handily agree with those on the Far Right who claim instinct is superior to intellect. They act purely on instinct, often times violently lashing out at anyone who trivially slights themselves, their possessions, or their family. How Volkisch! Combine this with a penchant for (poorly) hoarding weapons, and excessive free time spent in the gym, and you have a mob of dangerous, triumphant skirmishers.
Blacks in America almost perfectly meet the criteria of Nietzschean Aristocracy. They invaded and displaced a different people, enslaved them for their benefit (Fix the wifi for my Obamaphone, piggy!), selectively breed to maintain their ethnic separation, and train their bodies first before their minds.
I get that they do a lot of this stuff because they’re stupid. Still, it is hypocritical to condemn them, and then turn around and praise the Vikings, Greek Pirate Lords, etc. for doing basically the same thing. Attempts to reconcile this usually involve special pleading on behalf of whites, which deserves it’s own post to discuss why this doesn’t work.
To drive the point home:
Without crying, what is the difference between these two scenarios? Both involve wanton violence for the sake of stealing shit. Both involve a superior group inflicting their will through decisive martial prowess against a weaker foe, one that “deserves” to be butchered for their weakness. Why is one immoral and another “might makes right”?
And before anyone says otherwise, neither of these groups contributed much to technology (blacks invented the street light and Vikings refined longship building to better steal shit), and neither of them were particularly good at open warfare. When either of them faces consolidated civilizational opposition (Memphis SWAT, the Normans), they melt like butter. Like third world armies, they’re really only designed to attack people who can’t fight back.
You either have to be fine with both because it’s a violent world, or condemn both because hurting innocent people for the sake of hurting them is wrong.
The only saving grace of the Vikings specifically, is that they were beautiful- through no fault of their own of course. Would you feel the same way about them if they were swarths?
Ironically, the solution for both is the same:
or specific to the troublesome Germanics:
Either accept civilization, or be crushed in open combat against it. Quite simple, really.
Note if you like Nietzsche or follow him, I really don't intend this to be a killshot or dunk.
Hmm, I'm not a self-identified Nietzschean, but I'll take a crack at this.
1. The idea here, I think, is that the purpose of a civilization is to achieve high culture through the aristocracy. It isn't necessarily that the Aristocracy is "parasitic" towards the lower class, but rather that the ruling elite should be focused on the pursuit of talent, art, or ingenuity rather than mechanistic labor (which in the past would be tilling the fields, but I would ascribe it to all sorts of menial repetitive tasks which pervade our society). I wouldn't call it any more parasitic than I would call a farmer parasitic who has his ox plow the fields. Black people don't produce any high culture without bourgeois apparatuses, they are quite well known in fact for squandering their wealth.
2. Demographic replacement is not what Nietzsche is talking about, I think... I think he is talking specifically about elite groups, minority groups, who rule through military force. I think aristocracies tend to fabricate these events though, like the "Sarmatian" Polish nobility was not actually Sarmatian. They just wanted to distinguish themselves. I think what is more important that the aristocracy is a sort of mobile entity. Aristocratic cultures come from nomadic or pastoral groups, which relates to the so-called "parasitism". Pastoral nomads don't have to do much actual labor, but they do have to be able to defend what is theirs.
3. Okay, the other points are fair but this is a little bit silly. Not everything Black people do is bad. In fact, not everything low-IQ people do is bad or wrong. Broken clocks are right twice a day, yadda yadda. Conservatism in general is more associated with lower than average IQ, at least in this day and age. And I don't think Black people are that endogamous. Yeah, they have some preference for their own race. All races do implicitly, and all races except for white people living in the west in the past 40 or so years do explicitly.
4. Appraisal of strength and beauty over intellect or good personality is sort of a different thing from appraisal of power over correctness. I don't necessarily agree with Nietzsche but the point of the latter is more that argumentation is a tool of the weak to entice the strong into giving them things. This is not a moral statement. You, personally, should care about the truth because lying to yourself is a form of insanity. But, being right doesn't actually do anything in the real world. It doesn't give you the ability to exact your will in the way power does, and so you shouldn't feel entitled to it. Black people do not actually have a monopoly on violence, which does not make them a true aristocracy. The US government has a monopoly on violence, and acts in a way which grants Black people special privileges. Black people are completely dependent on this entity, but do not make up the entity.
I don't really know if I would say Nietzsche is right about the aristocracy but he's onto something. The Aristocracy is still moralistic but less than the succeeding Bourgeoisie, which lead to the rise of Liberalism.