Jul 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I couldn’t tell you much about economic theory, but commerce and good trade are absolutely vital to a healthy society. Whatever system is in place should encourage these things. People in the online right often get too bogged down exclusively in social issues. But your average epic king from days of yore would often be pondering in his mind if his trade venture to Muscovy or Byzantium or the Indies would bring him a return on investment!

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Jul 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

What about democracy? Do you think that the dissident right has poisoned the concept of democracy? Recently I’ve found myself disagreeing with myself about democracy being le bad or le good. It’s probably responsible for the state America is in today but also I think it’s pretty un-individualistic and bug person brained of me to not want to have some say in the goings on of my country, even if it’s small and kind of meaningless to vote.

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I think for the federal level we need to return to more in-direct democratic ways of choosing leadership, but for the local level Direct Democracy and Referendums could work.

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Jul 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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I like the American ideal of gatekeeping citizenship. Realistically, 50m people MAX in this country should vote. I also am typically in favor of smaller states. America could easily be redesigned as the HRE or even a.. confederacy…

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I think there’s a hard limit on how many people can vote, beyond which point it doesn’t matter if it is proportionally smaller compared to a large population. Luckily, if you voting to around 20% of the population, and the rest of the work will be done for you. Only a fraction of that 20% will jump through the loopholes

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Ya, I meant if the old rules (founding fathers era) were applied, we’d lose like 100m+ eligible voters

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Well said. Somehow, a large number of people decided that it was not OK to dislike things, and, as if in reaction to that, another large group of people decided that it was not OK to like things. Normal human behavior is not some kind of "middle ground" between deviancy and puritanism, it just seems that way because the reaction to one is always the other. It turns out modern techno-society makes being authentically human very hard, even unthinkable.

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Well said. Some on the dissident right larp as Third Positionists, and while I think they have things we can learn from: Markets work, however I would prefer local Christian-Centered Free Enterprise like Distributism as well as some regulations to ensure workplace safety and the like, Trust-Busting, and (Not too high) Tariffs against our enemies. But American Capitalism has enriched us and it's time we stopped the larp. My political beliefs are essentially a synthesis of Hamiltonian and Jefferson Though with Catholic Social Teaching. God Bless

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The most important aspect of Third Position is class cooperation. As long as the upper and lower classes are of the same stock and understand that they are working towards a common goal, society flourishes.

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Agreed. Class Cooperation and Corporatism in general is something we should take indeed.

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Jul 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I honestly just hate the term tradwife

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Aug 1Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Agreeing to this! Dolljaks ruined homesteading and family life to right wingers, and while I still believe in quality over quantity in raising children (which is what the argument ultimately comes down to) I'd be damned not to sow as much seed as I can do! I still watch videos about agriculture, hiking, and working the land pining for the day that I get to. I think my favorite video on it is "restoring degraded land on a profit," the permaculture technique called "sheer total utter neglect" or STUN for short, allowing most plants to fend for themselves only allows the hardiest to survive, basically permitting natural selection to take place on your property, and also allows you to more effectively manage your labor; not to actually promote laziness, but life takes care of itself, it finds a way. There are also great videos about India's permaculture revolution where people restore deserts to oases using pretty simple irrigation/water retention techniques, so buying cheap desert land isn't unviable either, though it takes a few years. Tbh I most of all love animals. I haven't done much research on animal husbandry but I would probably more like to host wildlife on my property and have very small scale entomology projects like beekeeping, even keeping wasps, or an ant farm. Wasps kill emerald borers and other tree-killers, bees make honey and pollinate, ants clean up the forest floor. People hate insects, but all of these little guys do noble and thankless tasks that no one talks about! I love those insects! They're fascinating to watch too! I'd love to have a pond and some aquariums as well. That's the sort of deal I look forward to when I've got my own place. Family I won't dolljack about, it's kind of disgusting to project one's romantic/sexual fantasies when talking about women (as people seem to do all to often online) but thank God that intelligent people generally select for one another and smart people generally have far less life sexual partners and are generally loyal and monogamous.

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Aug 1Liked by Layne A. Jackson

The American section was so true….

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Aug 2Liked by Layne A. Jackson

The amount of times I was called a Mexican on iFunny back in the day (by Mexicans no doubt) for simply expressing my belief in the idealized United States I was raised on and my desire to see it become a reality is staggering.

I am an American first and foremost like my forefathers before me, I do not care how bad things get, it is my nation and I will not abandon it

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Aug 4Liked by Layne A. Jackson

No mention of boobies? Not sure I can like this.

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One belief of mine that is probably controversial with some of my peers here is that NS Germany was completely doomed to either follow a path very similar to the US or Soviet Union (corporate dominance, over regulation, long house, etc etc), or would have collapsed into pagan violence driven by esoteric faction of the SS. The more I consider it, the more the SS seems to have been intended as a cyanide pill against the state, military, and clergy of traditional Germany.

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