Can you summurise it in fortnite terms?

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Layne full boxed a retarded fatal fields dropper and griddied over him afterwards

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

That guy is a legitimate psychopath. Self-reffering as a school-shooter-in-training because he had to kill for his own food and went to Church. I would seriously consider notifying appropriate officials!

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Cuz so retarded he even got pagans out here defending church 💀

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

If anything, you were too easy on him. What a cretin. Whats worse, is he probably really thinks he's "punching up" and speaking truth to power with this article.

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It's pretty funny to read these articles once you see the pattern that it's all ressentiment & projection

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

There’s something he’s not telling us. You say he’s reaching the most asinine conclusions and can’t figure out why as well as writing mega-Reddit tier anecdotes like how being good at a carnival game scares people and utilising that to define his point. He’s either withholding other points that he doesn’t want to bring, maybe he’s a huge aspie in these moments or smthn or he isn’t and, not being partisan here, is genuinely delusional.

Or he is just being very cold to mega exaggerate his points for more stax clout and methinks he needs orange walls in his house

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The "being hit with chains" exchange is the most telling thing about his psychology. People who use sarcasm as their mother tongue have deep, deep emotional problems.

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

It is funny, I would've thought a joke like that is hilarious as a kid, though I agree with what you say about sarcastic people.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I wonder how many of these vignettes are made up, or exaggerated for effect so his audience of shriveled mammies can get off to the horror of it. Many such cases!

On the note of rural people being quite clever: I read yesterday that the guys who formed mensa became quite frustrated with how many yokels were joining their gay little society that they thought would be some "Serious Athenian Stoa". Farmchads have mogged citycels FOREVER!

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This reminds me of that awful book "white rural rage." These awful little men are the same sorts of people that would have wrote genocidal screeds against their own countrymen in the Soviet Union.

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Wow. I don't know how you got through his article. I barely made it through reading those excerpts. Just a bunch of self-hating projection of his own failings. I sincerely hope he gets the help he needs.

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

The comments on that post are just as deranged "I'm crying because of how true this is" like what

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Walter’s notes are equally insane, he’s got a recent one about missionaries, and a slightly older one about sin that are quite telling, among all of the other notes he’s written.

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Outstanding takedown. And the picture of Mike at the end was a brilliant visual to put a flourish on this piece. Excellent work. And thank you especially for pointing out the purpose of the second ammendment as a check and balance on government power. If more people understood this there would be less clamoring for gun control. If Walt thinks “mass shootings” are so terrible (and they are) perhaps he should take a peek at the mass killings perpetrated by governments of unarmed populations.

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

xhe has such a valid & gender affirming voice 🥰🏳️‍⚧️

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Sep 17Liked by Layne A. Jackson

No surprise that Walter "Rhein" 👃 wants to blame the entire issue on White culture and Christianity

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"the upper are stealing everything and are the enemy" "the middle class are shooting everything and are also the enemy"

this man is spiritually a crack fiend living behind dennys in a bush. his ideal political scenario is hordes of fent slumped homeless zombies shambling into the white house and performing coat hanger abortions in exchange for more drugs

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Sep 18Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Where’s the boob break

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Sep 18Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Dude is projecting hard. And everyone in the comments are saying how well written it was.

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