Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson



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Was this funny

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I just got started reading it idk

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I often comment before finishing a post

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Its true, all of it

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson


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Holy mother of gem 💎

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I wish I was invited to the 2020 iFunny Ball… I daydream about whether they served pentagrams of fresh Mediterranean sardines atop golden platters…and to see the graceful dance of PupperBlitzkrieg’s petite figure while MeanAndObscene and Cavalier in matching white tuxedos play a somber duet on the crystal piano nearby…what an extravagant delight it would have been…

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Um I am a Samsung user so I don't have an iCloud

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Also why am I the Marvel guy 😭😭😭

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We need sequels. ASAP.

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I should make a spinoff detailing what happened at ifunny prom

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Aug 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Even by 2020, the lights were starting to go dim on the whole thing. Now the iFunny Ball 2016 was a class-act event. I was actually the drummer for hit band DrGoodGuy and his Deep iFunnians. The Vapester was our saxophone, Zank_Zemes played the keyboard. Our frontman was Lord B8R himself, back when he was a star--this was back before the drugs took their toll on him and he had to quit the music scene, of course. But the signs were still there, to anyone who could notice them.

We were playing the classics up on that stage, back when it still had the art deco look, before they remodeled it. "Big Boys in Town," "Like This Picture to Stop Joseph Kony," we gave them the works. Sure, nobody listened to us play and they were just there for the drinks, but they knew how to throw a party back then. Of course, you gotta give them "Rocket Chainsaw" for the encore, it's just expected of you. Yep, those were the days.

-Wolliver, sent from my iPad

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Aug 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Gem article, though there are some inaccuracies:

- SoyBooru didn't launch until 2021/2022

- There isn't a prophecy about how a recolored mario with peter griffin dna would save the deep ifunniers

- Ols47 was still on the app during 2020

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Aug 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Peak (non)fiction

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Aug 31Liked by Layne A. Jackson

We need to get fadia on here so we can virtually assault her

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Layne A. Jackson

IT's not a baby voice when we do witewwawwy, it's mocking "the autism accent" the sort of mode of monotone nerdy mode of speech that obvious high functioning autists tend to have. It's from the meme "Witewwawwy why wood yew even dew that" (picture mildly robotic sounding autist with a lisp saying that (do not picture it as a british accent spelling of you or do, he was an american autist it is phonetic spelling. Also I'm not anglophobic so I wouldn't do that)) it's quite funny. I don't have the clip though. If anyone finds it, do restack this note with the original clip. Also I was just at Dulles international, Imagine if we bumped into eachother as I got off my flight from SE Asia, lol.

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Sep 1Liked by Layne A. Jackson

This isn’t just a gem it’s the whole vein

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Sep 2Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Reading this gave me a lot of old 4chan narrative vibes, some of my favorite 1d4chan write-ups.

Truly, amazing work. A whole culture in piece of funny meta-self-reflective commentary. Better than a thousand goy-slop films.

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Sep 3Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I feel like I’m in a museum, or a yt video voiced by an almost insufferable Blerd, describing a historical event I should have pride for. I’ll confess I was floating a centimetre off my chair as I read this (until you gave unpleasant remarks about taz)

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