Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Just turned 25 myself. Great article. When you're 19 you think you'll have a chance to be a hero any day now. Life is a marathon not a sprint. Make friends, learn skills, and try to have an ok time. Being le based doesn't mean never meeting anyone or going out.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I’m 22. Should I just start picking out my casket now??? Might as well start walking with a cane….

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Don’t befriend a funko pop nigga befriend a model kit (NO GUNDAM OR ANIME FIGURES just tanks and planes and shit), lego or model train nigga. The distinguishing aspect between these groups is creativity. Collecting funko pops generally involves just letting it rot in a package on a shelf.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Just turned 26 less than a month ago. First couple years out of high school I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do with my life, wish I had found something like this then, but I’m doing good for what it’s worth. As long as I can protect and raise my family I know I’m doing something right

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Halo 2 came out in 2004...

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Why live anymore

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Yeah nigga that's how time works

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I was born in 2000 and had just started college when COVID hit. That basically permanently impaired the social aspect of college and I only started to reach Fall 2019 levels of social college activity in spring of my senior year. That being said, I still recommend young men go to college if there is something they can actually do with it. Law school, medical school, engineering, something that allows you to get some kind of professional job that not just any shlub can get.

If you’re going to fuck off for for years and go into debt just so you can get a finance degree with a 2.0 GPA, maybe it’s not for you and you should try plumbing or HVAC or something—nothing wrong with that, some people are meant for the trades and can really succeed that way.

I just see this twin problem of really bright, promising chuddies who think college is a scam so they resign themselves to work they’re overqualified for and never reach their full potential, and people who are better suited to trade work wasting time, money, and energy on something they hate and won’t take seriously to get a job they won’t like that can’t pay for the loans. Seriously evaluate if college is right for you and what you want to get out of it. It will be worth it.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I have a friend who won’t stop talking about tnd, even in public. He’s kind of odd but that’s how you know he’s authentic

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Great articlel. Unfortunately, I hate everything and want nothing more than to convert my matter and essence into a world ending explosion

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Entering my senior year of high school so this is helpful. Already thinking about being old & death & wasting large chunks high school. It's over!

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Are you actually in high school ? You fucking fetus !

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

ohio ahh boomer 💀💀

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Do most ifunniers/chudsphere ppl not have local friends that they grew up with and are still friends with?

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I have only 2-1 left and they're starting careers, BYE-BYE!!!!!!! I'm lucky to even have them since I only started talking to them by middle school and moved around a lot till then, Friends with roots are harder to come by than ever.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Network: befriend the friends of your friends and so on. This is how I've made most of my more recent friends over the years. You don't have to become close instaneously, or ever, but make acquaintences, develop rapport, and find shared interests. Sooner or later you will end up at more social events and be introduced to more acquaintences and somewhere along the grapevine you'll meet people you really click with and who will become lifelong friends. It's easy

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Our tiny trio is the truest group of friends we have, we've stood the test of time and everyone else has been transitory.

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My family moved around a lot when I was a kid and then I moved out of my hometown for college and never went back. That's how it be.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

One thing I would add to this, as a man in his thirties, and is something no young men ever think about: every single day wear some sunscreen and moisturiser. You will age half as fast.

My father is in his sixties and looks forty-five because of the above. I am in my thirties and have had young men fresh out of university assume I was a similar age to them. It sounds vain and idiotic but I think it is a useful, easy lifehack.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Lol using a Musashi quote from the Vagabong manga *looking all coy and smug* hahahaha.

Wish you could quote and restack pictures bc some of these are gems.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Also I am authentic but probably too shy to do anything outside of my comfort zone. Unless I already care about someone as a friend, (which is a pretty big social investment) I don't cave to peer/social pressures at all. TBH I am not winning any fights though so best I can do is call the police on your behalf, sorry. I am too much of a homebody for my own good. Don't like crowds, parties, or people. Am NEETcel btw.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

19 and ancient. Working with 12-13yo kids who you knew when they were 8 or 9 really makes you feel old, and all my coworkers (soon to be subordinates 😭) are 16 and 17. Big fan of being a weirdo tho, greatest profession out there.

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

considering i will be 18 forever; should i quit my job?

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Aug 27Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Your military bits were spot on with the benefits that pile up and never end. It’s a sweet deal and if you stay in for the full ride you can ideally retire at 38-39 assuming we haven’t exploded all Jews by then and stop working careers to live as sustenance farmers in Hobbit style homes. Socially the military is a very safe place for autists and weirdos, no matter what or where you are you will always have a group of friends that are just “better” than anything you had elsewhere.

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