Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

We’re deep iStack now. And the opps aren’t ready😈😈😈

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I’d hope some of the good text posters become active in here lol. The diminishing returns encapsulated it perfectly, literally no reason to use the app beyond maybe a combined 1,000 users that produce anything decent after 2019. It’s numbing to use features, chats are lobotomized to the point that using a separate platform is more efficient tenfold, and picture comments alone ruined it the most, I’d argue. You’ll feature creatures clogging up comments with the same reaction pictures. GO TO TWITTER

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Unironically this is very similar to my experience with the app. The Golden Era fundamentally changed me (for the better I believe) and now I’m a grown man with a wife and child who feels very much that I’ve “outgrown” iFunny.

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

The emergence of soyjacks kinda just destroyed any nuance in discussing shit in on the Internet seriously

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Aug 30Liked by Layne A. Jackson

soyDEITIES have you beat thoughbeit

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And now.. the age of the iColonizer... has began...

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I insist that iSubstack and c/Bruhfunny collaborate for the future of the community. Soyjak party had a similar upbringing, and anyone who appreciates the decade of offensive maymays needs to help start a new generation of deep ifunny. Stackers should post on scored and interact with bruhfunniers and vice versa. We should unite as "SWA confederacy" and interact with the outside internet to get newheads. I think it could be a renaissance if we all pitched in. There's no autojanny to filter us and the admins of these platforms probably don't care about us. The soyjak community has gone 3 years without /qa/. DONT LET THE FLAME DIE OUT!!!!

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I wonder what the ideal place for really smart RWs to gather is?

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Probably still iFunny tbh

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But don't they have a problem with censoring iFunniers?

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

It works as a wort of IQ filter cuz you have to study the automod to figure out a way around it, and continue to do so as it changes.

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It is its own gatekeeping. Man among men here, hi

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Always has even when it was where all rw content flourished

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Jul 11Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Good to see another Orthodox Christian on here. I was starting to wonder if there were any. I know that there are a lot of very silly and ridiculous terminally online Orthodox people, but the hate Orthodox Christians get is excessive. It’s definitely always accompanied by boxes that people try to pigeonhole you into. Good on you for not flaunting it, though. You’re a better Christian than I am.

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Keep yo circle small… but idk it’s just an app. I just like the Wild West aspect of all forms of comedy, gore, nonsense mixed in. Never knew what you would say on any given day for the last 9-10 years. And it’s been nice reading good text posts and essays, being involved in politics can be gay. Everyone should be focused on they boss nigga era not they trad cath libertarian era #boom

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Jul 12Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Now that a bunch of the oldfags are gone mid Ifuny will rise and people like me will be king, this was all part of the plan 😈

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Jul 12Liked by Layne A. Jackson

The nazi part was pretty interesting to me because looking back to when I was first introduced to those ideas I don’t think I put up any resistance at all, I saw one poll infographic and said “oh my god, Jews are evil”

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Jul 12Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I read this like a family cutaway gag of peter watching TV lmfao

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Jul 12Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I think we could see an ipolitics Renaissance, with the whole debate parlor feel on substack. Though rn we're most definitely dog piling this app first.

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Jul 12Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Been a repub account/lurker for ages, the death of the features was the death of the app. I have fond memories of sitting in the back of the class with my friends waiting for a new set to drop and cultivating friend ships, some of which hold in passing today but many are only memories that well up with almost painful nostalgia when I look at my subscription list and see all of those who left ages ago. Despite the recent events I will likely remain on the app, there are new people to form bonds with and this has happened before. In time the alts will be found and those without gradually replaced till they are another memory to think of when I look at my old subscriptions.

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Jul 14Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Cannot put into words how much I love this essay, and how closely it echoes my personal sentiment and experience with the phenomenon of iFunny. Delightful post.

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Luv reading stuff like this

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Jul 15Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Very good post bro, I drew a lot of parallels to my experience with yours, despite being a repub account for the majority of my time on the app. Lots to think and reflect on. Cheers

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Jul 15Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Layne it’s Zac. Please tell the group chat my Alt has been banned

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Le sigh..

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Jul 15Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Please you and Volt try to contact me.

I’m Trying to find alternative ways of even being able to USE ifunny. Tried 2 brand new emails both from gmail and aol and I can’t even create an account cause they were auto banned. I can’t VIEW ifunny even logged out, but logging into an acc I can look at notifications and subscriptions

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New device?

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Jul 16Liked by Layne A. Jackson

I don’t have a new device no. I might be able to get another new account tomorrow and just not name it Zac or anything and just use it to browse and chat w you guys

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Jul 16Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Is volt banned?

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He got banned last night

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Jul 16Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Tell volt to try and contact me on discord or anywhere he’s able and to let me know his stuff. Also anywhere else I can talk to you would be good

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What’s your snap

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Volt wants your discord btw

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My discord is ZacTheFirst

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Jul 16Liked by Layne A. Jackson

Also I heard Volt got banned? Idk

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